Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Religious Experience and Personality Experience from the Unconscious
by frankiespeakin ini have been at the university library the past few month reading books about carl jung.
i think he has some interesting things about the unconscious,,as well consciousness.. i been reading that the unconsciousness has the ability to form this new personality and then hatch it on the ego consciousness by means of an religious experience,, or perhaps we can say mystical experience , but the problem is that if the original ego consciousness was very one sided there is a tendency is for the new personality to be too one sided in the opposite way.. one of the chief problems for the human species as i see it is that the evolution of the human consciousness has cause a very drastic change in in our life style in such a short period of time just look at the last 2 or 3 hundred years and this accelerated change this has cause the majority of us to deviate the from the "way of the blood",, or from the way our genetic code would work the best for us both mentally and physically,, this deviation is the reason for a neuroses,, or even worse a psychosis.. but jung and others who think like him say that a neuroses is actually a very good thing as it is natural process that works to restore balance in the psyche.
sometimes in healing his patients from a neuroses he would only go as far as the personal unconscious find the problem with the patient and they were cured other times he had to go deeper and into the collective unconscious to get at the problem.. many patient came to even after they had been cure and wanted to go deeper to find whatever.
Are J.W.'s as Gullible as the Org's Writings Imply?
by The Searcher inthe latest watchtower certainly indicates that the org thinks they are!!
why keep in expectation?
watchtower august 15 par.
Brokeback Watchtower
When we were loyal to the Watchtower Corporation we let them do our thinking for us as we tediously followed instructions from 5 meetings a week, this lowered and narrowed our own consciouness as we dosed off into group think. It is hard to get out of it and the GB are taking full advantage of it thus the extreme gulibility is played on to the stretching point in their writings.
Also I think we can safely say that: garbage in garbage out seems to in the process of information sharing in the Watchtower publications in other words it is all delusional reasoning of mad men who think they are on a mission from god.
Br. Lett's Slight of Hand
by Hold Me-Thrill Me innice try brother lett.
you moved the cups around the table and thought we would not see the slight of hand you were handing us.
you begged for money but you have failed to show yourself capable of handling the monies already provided .
Brokeback Watchtower
Yes I agree that this blatant money grab promoted by the GB is going to back fire on them as it will not generate more funds and workers as they hope.
It almost seems like they are drowning men reaching for straws.
Governing Body meeting.
by Driving Force inthis is a recording of a gb meeting, i am not sure what they are talking about..
Brokeback Watchtower
Hey i got a bridge in Brooklyn you might wanna buy. -
If They Stopped Shunning Tomorrow?
by cofty inimagine that the cult decided to stop shunning family members on the proviso that the dfd person was not actively trying to attack the cult.. (please don't debate whether or not this is likely - it's hypothetical).
how would you respond to your family?.
personally i think i would be less than cooperative.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think this may be a real possibility in the future being that they could lose their status to operate as a charity because of their cruel shunning practices?
But I can only hope that something can break that awful cruel practice to avoid one's own children.
The Thrill Is Gone and so is B.B. King- the REAL King
by flipper ini know there's another thread about this specially talented musician's passing- but this guy was a torch carrier from the old bluesmen like muddy waters, howlin wolf, john lee hooker, and lightnin' hopkins who made chuck berry millions of $$$$$$ and collaborated with rock n rollers like bono of u2 .
these old bluesmen from the 1940's deserve all the credit for the babv that the blues ended up giving birth to- rock and roll music.
any comments are appreciated and welcome for b.b., music, or the blues in general pour your heart out.
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm gonna miss Lucille but my consolation is we have his recordings.
God on Trial:The Verdict
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe trial:.
the whole video:.
Brokeback Watchtower
It's about Jew's in a German concentration camp who are debating if God is good or not good. They talk about all the whole sale slaughter in the bible. -
How Soon Will We See 9-Year-Olds in Committee Meetings?
by TTATTelder inthat teddy bear baptism video was shocking.. if you haven't seen it yet.
check it out on this thread:.
Brokeback Watchtower
In the congregation that I one time used to go to a baptized 12 year girl was molested by one of their ministerial servants, guess what?,, she was disfellowshipped for being molested and only 12 years old at that. This was in the Sunnyvale CA USA congregation 2001.
BTW they have an elder in that congregation that has a bad habit of touching young girls breast at gatherings of the Witnesses this was related to me by an elder that was a friend at the time about 15 years ago, he(the molester,) is still an elder as far as I know.
I can't imagine the psychological harm this must cause to little children and yet the GB want more children to get baptized so they can be disfellowshipped if needs be.
God on Trial:The Verdict
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe trial:.
the whole video:.
Brokeback Watchtower
The Story of Adam and Eve, Sexist, Egotistical and Guilt-Inducing
by sabastious input yourself in the mind of an ignorant early human.
he can speak, he can understand his surroundings and can even chart the stars in the night sky.. .
one other thing this man can understand is injustice: when bad things happen to people who didnt do anything to deserve them.. .